Win a TARDIS from BitsWithByte

The incredible Octavia from BitsWithByte, who made our custom TARDIS center pieces for our wedding, is generously hosting a draw for those who donate to our page!


To enter is simple! Head on over to our donation page at –


Donate $35 and be entered in a draw to win a custom made TARDIS ring box
Donate $55 and be entered in a draw to win a custom made TARDIS ring box with pulsing LED lights
Donate $65 and be entered in a draw to win your choice of a custom made TARDIS ring box with pulsing LED lights OR a TARDIS cake topper with pulsing LED lights
biggerringbox caketopper
Last day to donate to have a chance to win a TARDIS from Octavia will be November 29th 2013. Winners will be announced on December 2nd 2013 on the BitsWithByte facebook page!

Don’t miss this chance to own one of Octavia’s amazing handmade  TARDIS!
Good luck!!

– Amanda

Reversed Polarity

Coming up on November 1st-3rd will be Canada’s official Doctor Who 50th Anniversary celebration, featuring guests such as the 5th Doctor himself, Peter Davidson, as well as Dan Starkey (Strax). The event will be taking place at the Sheraton Parkway Hotel in Toronto.

For more information or to register, head over to their website!


Brandon, Adam & I will be working the event, so be sure to say Hi if you see us!

– Amanda

Doctor Who Society of Canada

As most of you know by now, I’m one of the co-founders for the DWSC based out of Toronto, and help run the Ottawa Branch. Today one of my co-founders, Cindy, was super awesome & added a story about us to our website!! Check out the main page!

– Amanda

Interview With Kate Eggins Update

Sadly on Tuesday, two other reporters called in sick, so Kate was pulled away for other news stories. BUT, We’ll be getting together with her on Monday, October 21st to do our interview! Also if I’m not mistaken, it will be airing that same day during the evening news at 6pm! So stay tuned!

– Amanda

Passports Are In!

Last Tuesday I went into work with Brandon so we could filed our passports. Much to our surprise, considering the way most things are handled with anything that involves the Canadian Government, they arrived exactly a week later! I’m so excited to finally have these! Not only because.. HOLY SHIT WE’RE GOING TO ENGLAND! But because now when my friends go across the boarder to shop, I can go too! 😀

– Amanda

Car or Transit?

Going into this we knew we would be taking transit, or at least, that’s how we’ve planned it. We’re finally getting to go to our favorite country, why wouldn’t we want to part take in everything British? Now of course we’ve realized we’re not going to be able to find that one perfect hotel that is close to everything we’re going to, and would like to do. It’s London for god’s sake. But again, needing to take transit or heck even walking a few dozen blocks, doesn’t bother us. I decided though that since we’ll be using transit a fair bit, I should look into the general prices to get an estimation on what it’ll cost us during our stay. That’s when I discovered the London Pass & Travel Card. A nifty little card, very similar to that of Toronto’s City Pass, only instead of a couple attractions it gets you into, the London Pass gets you into every historic building, museum, tour, you’d want to see. Seriously, it’s incredible the amount of things this card gets you into for free, plus even skip the line at a few. Along with the Travel Card, you’re able to take every bus, train, tube, you’d want for free as well, to help you get around to all those sites you want to see. Pretty amazing right? So what does it cost? Each pass costs £156, so at the moment around $258CAD. After my head exploded from sheer shock. I will admit, it is worth it considering just how much you get. But to get one for each of us is going to cost $516. Again, worth it, but a little more out there than I’d like. Plus with us only being able to go for a week, and most of those days already filled with plans, how much time will we really have to visit places on that list that we want to see? So that’s when I’m starting to wonder… Would it be better in the long run if we just rented a car? Of course then we have to worry about gas, parking, etc. So I guess that really leaves our option being, go big or go home right? Then again, we could also vagabond it like my relatives did Haha.

– Amanda

Representing Canada; As Seen in Latest News

We’ve been featured in the latest news update on the official event website! Also if you check out their ‘Couples’ page you’ll notice that we’ve been added. Page is still being updated, so I’m sure our story will be up soon!


– Amanda

Our Story in Print

On Thursday the story Kelly Kent wrote about us for the Canadian Gazette came out! It is so wonderfully written, and absolutely perfect! We’re so thankful to Kelly for writing it!

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If you don’t get the Canadian Gazette, don’t worry! You can read it here online!

– Amanda

Interview with Jeff Hopper on CTV

If you didn’t get to catch Brandon & I yesterday on CTV Ottawa Morning Live, the interview is now online!

I still honestly haven’t watched it, heck I still haven’t even watched my wedding video my maid of honors father recorded for us. What can I say, I just don’t like seeing myself in videos. But I’m told it looked great, and I didn’t look nervous at all.. When in actual fact, I was totally freaking out. Jeff however, was absolutely awesome to work with, and I’m so glad he was the one doing the interview! Nothing against the girls of course!

– Amanda

Montreal Comic Con

This past weekend Brandon & I were working with our DWSC folks at Montreal Comic Con. Thus why we’ve been a bit quiet in the updating department the past few days.

This was the first time DWSC was at MCC, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say it was great! This was also our first time working the booth, surprisingly enough. Though we’re usually at all the same conventions & we want to help, it’s difficult because we always have James. This time though we made the arrangements to leave him at home so we could work. Which in some ways, kind of sucked, because Jason David Frank from Powers Rangers was there, as well as the Ecto 1 from Ghostbusters – Two things James would have LOVED! But as much as we love having him at conventions, it was so much easier not having him & we loved working the booth.

Some highlights from the convention.. Our Daleks Clifton, Souffle & Dreadnaught won Best In Show in the Masquerade!!


Their panel ‘How to Build a Dalek’ was also featured on
And they made an appearance on CBC along with our own Phil Strange, which can be seen Here

Frazer Hines, who played Jamie McCrimmon on Doctor Who dropped by our booth
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Along with The Greatest American Hero, William Katt
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And Stuntman Stu from Ottawa’s Majic 100
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Oh and of course, The Stig 😉
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All in all it was a great weekend! We brought tons of flyers with us to help promote our donation page. Lots were taken, so we’re hoping that’s a good sign! We have a couple more events/conventions coming up in the next couple of months. One of which is the new Pop Expo run by the same folks behind Ottawa Comic Con & Montreal Comic Con, and will take place December 7-8th. One of the featured guests is Sylvester McCoy! So if you’re in the Ottawa area, be sure to check it out. Brandon & I, along with Dalek Souffle, Clifton & our Ottawa DWSC team will be there!

– Amanda